Then and Now

May 16, 2007: I'll be revising and expanding this section some time. Some of the comparison I believe were inaccurate do to the time periods and locations.

1955 (Site 66?)

51 Years Later in 2007 (Site 66) - note these are not likely the same trees,
just the same vantage point

Approx 1931 or 1932 (Site 57?) - looking towards the narrows

About 5 Years Later in 1936 (Approx Site 179) Ammendment: see note above... this one could have been take around site 50

More photo comparison coming! Post Cards From Collections by Steve Collins and Dave McGrath.
Special thanks goes out to Steve for providing scans from his extensive collection of over 80 cards!

Last updated: April 22, 2011 12:00:00